The Secret to Writing Exceptional FAQs

Provide answers people are looking for!

As website users ourselves, we all know the frustration of searching through outdated or poorly organized web pages for the kernel of information we need. FAQs serve a purpose for both site visitors and business owners.

Here’s how to use Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to everyone’s advantage, making common questions with accurate answers easy to find.

What do FAQs accomplish?

The simplicity of FAQs can be deceiving! They are really a game changer in that they can accomplish multiple goals in a simple format. 

  • Help users find what they want

    The ultimate value of FAQs are helping your site visitors accomplish their mission and find what they need. They’ll be looking for general assistance as well as specific information about your products and services. So consider zooming out from very specific questions to general ones about your industry that provide a backdrop and lead into the specifics about your offerings.

  • Build trust and credibility

    FAQs help build trust and credibility by offering consistently clear and reliable information. When your audience trusts your FAQs, they’re more likely to trust your brand, products, and services.

  • Enhance user experience

    FAQs that are well done enhance the user experience by acting as personal navigators through your website. FAQs are easy to scan to quickly find information a visitor might not be willing to read whole pages to find. Clear and up-to-date information creates a seamless browsing experience that keeps them engaged.

  • Highlight your keywords

    FAQs provide opportunities for improved search engine optimization (SEO) with placement of valuable keywords. By using targeted keywords and phrases related to popular searches in your FAQs, you can boost organic traffic for people searching for that information. Getting discovered by search engines is vital for any website owner.

  • Streamline customer support

    Constantly repeating the same answers to repetitive customer queries can be time-consuming and exhausting. But with comprehensive FAQs in place, customers can find their own answers, freeing up valuable time for you to focus on providing personalized assistance when it truly matters.

  • Empower users to make good decisions

    Shoppers often turn to FAQs when weighing their options before making a purchase or booking a service. By offering clear and detailed information in your FAQs, you’re equipping them with knowledge that satisfies their hunter/gatherer instincts and inspires confidence in their own fact-finding mission. You’ll be enabling them to confidently choose YOUR offerings over competitors’.

Empower users decision making

Where to find the right questions

  • Make note of questions you frequently hear from customers

    What probably comes to mind first are questions you find yourself answering repeatedly, either in person, via email, or on social media. Save yourself some time and provide those answers online where potential customers can find it themselves. The beauty of FAQs are that you can reassure site visitors about doubts they may have without “selling.”

  • Provide definitions

    If there is industry jargon on your site, you’ll want to make sure your site visitors don’t feel intimidated by that by providing simple definitions for industry terms you frequently use.

  • Include policies, facts & myths

    To cover the range of site visitor questions and provide some background, you might want to inject information about your policies, industry facts, and common misunderstandings in your industry. Although these answers are broader, they give your site visitor confidence about how your business fits in to the bigger picture and how that is relevant for them.

  • Look for Google’s search suggestions

    Begin to type a question into Google’s search bar and you’ll see an autosuggest list of questions commonly asked on Google. Seeing the varieties of questions asked there will give you ideas about the range of questions people ask on your topic.

  • Get ideas from competitors

    Look at sites that are firmly established that have FAQs. You won’t be copying them, but you’ll get ideas about questions you might not have thought about that you can answer in your own way.

How to write exceptional FAQs

  • Get to know your audience

    Understanding your customers’ needs and pain points is the first step in creating FAQs that truly resonate with them. If you address your ideal client in your FAQs, you’ll be engaging the right audience for your business.

  • Be direct

    Speak your audience’s language by using plain, jargon-free terms that anyone can understand. Each FAQ should focus on a single question and provide a straightforward answer that leaves no room for confusion. If the Q is a “yes” or “no” question, start your answer with that word. Then go on to explain briefly.

  • Write questions as your customer would ask them

    Ask questions using the customer as “I”, as in “Can I get a free estimate?” rather than “Are free estimates available?” This may be a style choice but you’ll be in closer sync with how questions are asked on Google searches if you use “I”. Whichever method you choose, keep it consistent throughout all your FAQs.

questions and answers
  • Organize by topic

    Group similar questions under clear headings or categories for easy navigation. Consider adding a search bar or well-structured menu for quicker access if you have an extensive list of FAQs.

  • Provide practical details, without marketing fluff

    Go beyond the basics and provide detailed information that clearly answers any question. Back up your answers with facts whenever possible, and feel free to include helpful links to further resources on your website. But don’t taint your FAQs with marketing fluff or you’ll risk losing credibility.

  • Be consistent

    Keep your language and information format consistent across all your FAQs – this will minimize confusion for users navigating through different sections of your website. Don’t forget to add extra questions to call our unique features or specific locations if relevant.

  • Keep your FAQs current

    Regularly review and update your FAQs to keep them fresh, removing outdated information and adding new questions as they arise.

Creating exceptional FAQs is an art

… but it’s worth the effort! By being aware, accurate, and consistent in your approach, you’ll not only make life easier for your visitors but also build trust and boost your website’s performance.

And art is (conceptually anyway) our middle name. If you need help connecting with your ideal customer, identifying who they are, or writing content to match your core message, contact us about creating a marketing strategy.